
This used to be a "photo a day" blog, but no longer as time is short! Now I update when I can, which might be a couple times a week or a couple times a year. Just depends. BeautifulHoodRiver.com features photos of Hood River, Oregon and it's surrounding areas- Mt. Hood, Mt. Adams, the Columbia River Gorge, and much more. The images are in no particular order. Some might have been made 10 years ago, and some may have been made same day they are posted.

My family picked up and moved from San Diego, CA to Hood River in 1994 when I was 12 years old, and ever since then I've been passionate about the beauty, lifestyle, and overall wonderfulness that Hood River offers to it's locals and visitors alike. Whether you're a lifetime resident of Hood River, a one time visitor, or someone who has never had the privledge of visiting, I hope you enjoy seeing this area through my eyes!

Enjoy the images, leave comments, and please join the corrosponding facebook page here: Facebook.com/beautifulhoodriver

A couple little known tricks for browsing images on the blog are:

-Simply use the back/forward keys to go through images one by one

-Use the "Browse Photos" feature on the top right to see all the thumbnails all at once! Also, after clicking "Browse Photos" you can filter the images by subject matter, and even seasons too! Just look for the categories on the left side when on the browse page.


Websites and Contact-

Facebook.com/beautifulhoodriver - Join the Facebook page, just click "like" to get updates

BlaineandBethany.com - Our wedding and portrait photography

BlaineFranger.com - My old old old website and blog (needs updating!)

Twitter.com/blainefranger - Follow me not tweeting on Twitter

Facebook.com/blainefranger - Me on Facebook

email: blainefranger@gmail.com